November 20, 2014

Who am I?

Thought it could be a good idea to write a little about me and my relation to football, for any interested readers. I'm 23 years old and I live in Sweden. I'm a girl, or woman, depending on how you view it. Currently studying and working part time.

The story of how I "found" American football started with my boyfriend. He and a friend wanted to start following a football team, and picked the New England Patriots. When it got closer to Christmas my boyfriend wanted me to watch a game with him, and he taught me the rules (and also who Brady is). We watched a few games that season, and this season we've watched most games together. Then when this seasoned started he found the Manning brothers' DirectTv ad, Fantasy Football Fantasy, which introduced me to fantasy football. I got interested and created an NFL account and joined a league. When it was time for the draft I knew basically no players outside of Patriots, apart from a few like Eli and Peyton. My starting team was probably a disaster, but I was blissfully unaware. I have switched out most of my players since then, I think I only have three players still that I picked at the time. I have the most moves by far in my league. But I'm learning, every day and every week. I'm currently at second place in the league, but there are quite a few weeks left, so we'll see where I end up.

I have now access to NFL Game Pass so I try to watch as many games as I can, learning more and I make a point of actually seeing "my" players in action. So in short, I'm a beginner in the world of football, and very much a beginner in the world of fantasy football. But everyone has to start somewhere, right?

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